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Top 10 Useful Things For Life Are Made From Waste
Top 10 Useful Things For Life Are Made From Waste
Almost 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed each year, that’s 1 million bags per minute and only 1% of them are recycled worldwide. Burning garbage was something we once did to get rid of garbage that we didn’t know what else to do with.I have seen people make amazing artwork from trash, especially metal, cans, bottles, etc.
If you have a old tissue box you could reuse to put pens and pencils inside of it instead of throwing it away or you can get a candle holder and u can put things it .
So here are some cool and simple tricks on How can you turn trash into something useful? you can use them in your daily life or in project at school. by using these recycle methods in daily life will save your money and a good cause towards green environment.
1. A key chain from an old, expired credit card
My 11 year old son made me this key holder yesterday, using his dad’s old credit card. He simply punched a hole into the expired card, run an old ring through it.
And lo! You have a cool key chain out of waste credit card.
2. Embroidered Crafts From Recycled Plastic Bottles
Cut waste plastic bottles neatly and punch holes into them at regular intervals.Choose an easy pattern and pull out some brightly colored yarn lying around in some corner.See how cute and amazingly attractive these cans look on a study desk.
3. Recycled items from glass bottles
These lovely candleholders by Lucia Bruno are crafted from upcycled bottles, and create a pretty light of an evening — without using additional resources.
4. Crafts Using Old Tires
If you have some old tires rotting up in a corner of your garage, cut them and paint them and make very creative planters to hang down your balcony.
5. Make Indoor/ Outdoor Herb Gardens
Try making these wonderful planters from old, waste bottles and grow some herbs like cilantro, oregano, basil, thyme and mint in your balcony.
If you do not quite want to do that, you can even try growing small ornamental plants.
6. Wall Mirror Using Old Bottle Caps
Collect lots of bottle caps. Just ask your mom not to throw the caps away each time she opens a bottle of cold drinks. Once you have about 100 of them, pain them all in 3 different colors and arrange them in a mosaic to make an attractive mirror like this for your room.This is one of the Idea to create a best wall mirror using the waste old bottle caps.
7. Popsicle Stick Photo Frame
Use 4- 8 popsicle sticks to make this super cute picture frame for your room by sticking 2 of them along each edge on a 9” X 12” sheet of paper with glue. You can paint different patterns on the sticks to make your frame look extraordinary.
I have used only 4 sticks here. You can use any number of them for the frame you make.
8. Drift Wooden And Silver Spoons
Drift wooden block which you can find on beach or sea-shore and silver spoons are cut in shape of fisherman and fishes. Amazing creativity it is…!!
9. Your Shampoo Bottle Can Be A Charging Station
With an old shampoo or lotion bottle, you can create a nice charging cradle for them that hangs right off the socket, so they aren’t taking up space on the floor. Alternatively, you can take those old bottles and organize your cables on the wall, too.
10. Vintage Suitcase Into Decorative Shelves
How to reuse and recycle your vintage and old suitcase ?” Then here it is. An amazing way to re-purpose old vintage suitcases. Some ideas are here to convert vintage suitcase into furniture like shelves and Table
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Le Minh Hieu is a national-level weightlifter and a Singapore Weightlifting sports performance coach. Hieu's biggest passion is helping everyone find confidence, happiness, and health through fitness.
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