Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand - Best Portable Pull Up Bar Review
Get Ultimate results, versatility and value with the Original Dip Bar from Ultimate Body Press featuring a bold new look for 2015. Target shoulders, chest, arms and core with multiple exercises in your home or office and while traveling.
The Ultimate Body Press Dip Bar is a free-standing dip stand and supports up to 350 lbs. The dip bar is made out of thick walled steel and appears surprisingly strong. The unit can be disassembled and stored underneath your bed or in your closet. If you are just starting out or putting the final touches on your home gym, this dip station will make an excellent addition.

- The Ultimate Bodypress Dip Stand is ideal for various exercises, including chest dips, triceps dips, bodyweight rows and variations of knee raises
- The Height of an equipment is 3′, so it’s ideal for people up to 6’5“
- Width adjustability – from 21“ to 22.5“
- Angled grips for better and unique position
- Grips are made from high density foam
- You can upgrade it with other equipment
- Color-coded assembly which requires no tools
- Color: black
Customer Reviews
The Ultimate Bodypress Dip Stand’s main feature is versatility and quality. Once you buy this item, it will last forever. It is great for doing various exercises, including push ups, chest dips, triceps dips, bodyweight rows and other variations of knee raises. You can perform a full-body workout at home, anytime you want for less than 100$.

We found 254 reviews on Amazon.com at the time of writing and customers awarded the Ultimate Bodypress Dip Stand with 4.3 out of 10 stars.
About 80% of customers awarded this product with four or five stars. Only a minority of customers is not pleased with some feature of this calisthenics equipment.
A pleased customers said, “Five stars, love it!” and, “I’m 23 male 160 lb and this is perfect for me for homework.” and, “The upper body workout I get from this is amazing.”
Let’s look at reviews from different angle. Customers who are not pleased with this equipment said, “I used it a few times and stability is not great. Now.” and, “Extremely unsturdy! Time of ownership 3 years.”

With such a wide range of trusted and detailed reviews on shopping sites such as Amazon, these are often the best places to look.
To help make things easier, we’ve collected some of the most frequently posted positives and negatives of the Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand and listed them below.
Install like a boss. Done with assembling exercise equipments like it’s a game show with a million dollar prize- tiring and excruciating. The Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand does not require the use of tools since the parts are already color coded. It is also packed with an instruction material on how to assemble and use the product.
Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand is suitable for users up to 6’5” tall. The two padded handles can be adjusted from 21 to 24 inches in width to cater any size.
The Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand is a very compact exercise tool making it perfectly suitable to your homes or apartments and even offices. You can easily move or store this equipment in even just a small space as it features interlocking spring-tabs with locking positions so you can fold and lock it under your bed or inside your closet.
We love the versatility of this unit. If you purchase the optional push up handles you can also do suspended push-ups. If you have never tried suspended push ups you are in for a workout. They work so many of the stabilizer muscles you are sure to feel it.
The Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand has also some disadvantages. Because of the height of this workout tool, it might not be the best option for taller people. Second, despite of the product’s stability components, other people complained that at times Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand wobbles. However, this product when accompanied by your weight should be stable. Significant number of users raised concerns about its cost. They said that this equipment is a little bit pricey for its purpose.

My experience thus far with the Ultimate Body Press Dip Bar is really good. The dip bar does everything it is designed to do. I am now pretty excited to be able to dips at home and the dip bar works as advertised. The body weight rows are another cool exercise that I haven’t been able to do at home. To make the body weight exercise even more challenging you can elevate your feet or flip upside down and really add some core work into the equation.
Put the Ultimate Body Press Dip Bar in your home to build on your progress and push your development farther faster.

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