Way to increase core strength with Lifeline Power Wheel
The Lifeline Power wheel II is an exercise device for strengthening the core strength, increase strength in your chest, shoulders, arms and toning abdominal muscles.
The newer Lifeline Power Wheel design is a variation on the classic ab wheel featuring some additions and changes and a higher price tag.
A strong core helps improve power and balance, and it can help reduce the likelihood of injury. Plus, nothing compares to a solid, lean midsection. The Lifeline Power Wheel delivers a variety of intense resistance training exercises to challenge your abs, obliques, back, hips and glutes, but you can even see and feel results all over your body.

The sad reality is that the vast majority of us will never have a six pack, myself included. It starts in the kitchen with a very strict diet that I could never stick to for more than a few months at a time. It takes too much time and effort, doesn't it? That doesn't mean we can't dream and at least TRY, however. Which brings me to my current piece of abdominal equipment, the Lifeline USA Power Wheel.

Ab wheels are certainly nothing new. Back in the day I used a steel dumbbell with a sawed-off broomstick on my living room floor. Not exactly cutting edge technology, but at least I was trying, right? The Lifeline USA Power Wheel is a tad more advanced than that, complete with rubber on the wheel to keep it from slipping on the surface, a steel rod that won't bend, and foot mounts so you can do much more advanced routines. You could do these routines, not me, of course. I have nowhere near the strength or flexibility required, but it is nice to know that I could do these exercises.
The Good and the Bad
As you can see in the above picture, the Power Wheel II looks a lot different from traditional ab wheels. the price is a lot different too. wheels like the one in the first picture can be found for as little as $10 while the Power wheel II runs about $50. If you're just starting out getting an ab wheel, it might be best to get a basic cheaper one. a simple wheel will give you a great exercise. If you don't mind spending the extra, however, the Power Wheel is a very solid product.
The foot straps are a great innovation, but they're annoying to put on and use, so many people probably won't utilize them much. The handles are very comfortable and a definite improvement on the cheap plastic handles of some wheels. It should also be noted that the Power Wheel earns points for having a sturdy design. When using something that is meant to support your body weight, it's important that it is durable and not going to fall apart. Also, the smoothness with which it rolls is rather impressive and makes for a good experience with your workout.

I’ve used plenty of ab wheels in the past, so the first thing I wanted to do was slip my feet into the foot pedals and test drive the unique angle the Power Wheel has over ALL the other ab trainers. Since I was at home, I figured what the hell… Let’s go bare feet… Well that turned out to be a stupid idea. It’s wayyy to uncomfortable and the rubber straps just don’t get a good enough stretch to hold your feet sturdy, It’s all wonky and lame. Fortunately things start to turn around as soon as you put on a pair of running shoes… It fits perfectly without a hitch. I guess you can’t have the best of both worlds but it would have been nice if the pedals were designed to accommodate both bare feet and shoes. I demand perfection!
Customer Reviews
This ab roller is a 5 star rated product on Amazon based on over 250 customer reviews. Customers like it because it provides multiple exercises to work the entire core because of the footpad. It is also safe and comfortable to use.
"One of the best pieces of workout equipment I have ever bought. It is very sturdy and versatile." - Vladimir Krull Jr
"I’m a trainee working on my core/body conditioning and this is one heck of an addition to my regimen. Stable wheel, rolls perfectly, sturdy foot pedals and snug velcro straps. If I had to say anything “not-so-good” about it is that the rubber resistant band strap is a little tight on the back of my ankles. No big deal though. Doesn’t warrant less than the 5-star rating!" - Ant

"I'm not one to waste money on the exercise gadgets you see on TV everyday. For 4 decades, I've been pretty much a barbell and power rack kind of guy. But this Power Wheel from Lifeline is the real deal. I've done just about every ab exercise there is (and there are a few good ones), but the Power Wheel provides the best ab workout I've ever had. And it does it without hurting the lower back, neck, etc. Don't overlook the fact that this works more than the abs; it provides a good hamstring workout, too.
This is a quality product, and the big wheel works on concrete, wood, carpet, and even grass. I recommend the Power Wheel without reservation." - Polymath said
>>>Read more customer reviews here
To sum up, Lifeline Power Wheel is an exceptional core strength training equipment which has already helped thousands to build better looking and stronger midsection. It improves your balance and posture as well
You will never outgrow this torture device. The exercise possibilities are endless; you can take it with you anywhere and use it indoors or outside.
While it is bit more expensive than other ab wheels, it is worth every penny. If you purchase it now, you do not even have to pay for shipping.
- It comes with a soft foam grip which makes usage comfortable and safe
- The wheel is smooth to roll on almost all sorts of floors. Besides, the size of the roller is a bigger than normally, and this makes usage even more pleasant.
- Its design allows us to roll it in any direction that is extremely beneficial since we can do more kinds of activities and focus on specific muscle groups.
- The foot pedal, which makes it an outstanding ab workout equipment, provides an intense workout versatility. With the help of it we can perform almost a complete body workout at home.
- It comes with a workout DVD.
- It is perfect to combine with cardio workouts.
- It is made of quality materials and comes with 1-year warranty.
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