
Best portable Stamina 1690 Power Tower review - Popular choice of 2015

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Stamina 1690 Power Tower is as simple and straightforward as a home gym can get. This is a popular choice among those looking out for a basic home workout device with multiple exercise stations.

This stand provides all-around functionality that is handy for a variety of strength workout exercises. Whether or not this is the ideal choice for you depends on how much you appreciate its multiple exercise stations vs. a basic stand alone basic pull bar.

Best portable Stamina 1690 Power Tower review - Popular choice
Stamina 1690 Power Tower features tough steel construction for solid support. There are no moving parts on the Stamina 1690, no resistance bands or weights, or any pulleys and cords to deal with. Instead, the tower provides a set of handles at different heights that allow you to do a variety of workouts, such as pull ups, push ups, tricep dips, and a variety of others.

As there are no added weights or other types of resistance, the workout depends entirely on your own bodyweight.


- The unit assembled weight is 54 pounds and assembled dimensions are 41.5 inch in length by 50 Inch in Width by 81.5 Inch in Height.
- Steel frame construction for solid support
- Color: Silver frame, black seat and handles, green and white graphics 

Best portable Stamina 1690 Power Tower review - Popular choiceThe Power Tower is all-steel construction and is designed to take your full weight in a variety of ways. It takes up a bit of room, covering about 4 feet square on the floor and being about 7 feet tall. It is relatively easy to move around. The tower can easily fit in an idle corner,a small bedroom or you can even place it in your living room and use it in between cooking meals orwhile watching TV.

With this sort of exercise machine, stability is a big concern. If it wobbles, or even tips, that can put an end to your workout and perhaps even result in an injury. The Power Tower is pretty stable, and the bars are arranged so that your weight is always adding to the stability. 


The fact that its maximum weight capacity is 250 lbs means that if you are heavier than that then you have to search for another power tower that support over 250 lbs.
Best portable Stamina 1690 Power Tower review - Popular choice
The fact that it lacks a back support such as a cushion, makes knee raises exercises to be a bit strenuous since you will require one to have good balance.

Consumer Ratings

Again, as a result of the ratings being all over the board on this one, the average rating comes in 4.5 out of 5 stars. Ratings are very positive and comment that the tower is strong and sturdy.This will give you a whole lot to work with, including the information that we’ve dug in detail to interpret them for you. These have been laid out with more meaning in the Cons and Pros section.

This is a good upgrade from an over the door type pull up bar, with added benefit of a bunch of additional possible exercises. It is an inexpensive option if you’re looking for a simple way to add some variety to your exercise at home, or add a cheap pull up bar to your home gym. It is overall a sturdy, simple exercise machine.

Price: $97.44 & FREE Shipping.

Buy Stamina 1690 Power Tower Here

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Best portable Stamina 1690 Power Tower review - Popular choice
Best portable Stamina 1690 Power Tower review - Popular choice
Best portable Stamina 1690 Power Tower review - Popular choice

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About Le Minh Hieu

Le Minh Hieu is a national-level weightlifter and a Singapore Weightlifting sports performance coach. Hieu's biggest passion is helping everyone find confidence, happiness, and health through fitness.


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